Fishy pointed out on her blog that her desktop was an "organised" mess, and almost full. So I decided I would show mine off, just because.

I got 97 out of 100 for my German speaking exam. I'm quite proud of that, as I thought I'd get lower seeing as I got flustered when talking about my Fridays. Apparently she marked us based on what she sees in class though. So that's nice.
WSD is again being horrid to me. After this blog I shall continue on figuring out my code and hopefully it will agree with me and at least let me show the XML in a table. That's my aim for tonight.
Ah, so many things to do, so little time. Or, should I say, so many things to do, enough time, but bad time management on my behalf. The first sounds better.
And now, a nice clean desktop for you. There's not much difference. Ha. ..I have too many programs..

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