It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life for me.
...And I'm feeling good.
Well no. Not really. Well, really about the feeling good part. Because I am. It's not like I'm feeling bad or anything. The not really was in reference to "It's a new life to me." Because really, it's the same life. It's just a new year.
Anyway, the point of that was that I recently bought Origin Of Symmetry by Muse, which thus completes my Muse albums. And on that album is a cover of Feeling Good. And it is a mighty good cover - one of my new song obsessions.
(Another new song obsession of mine is Protége Moi by Placebo. It's a French version of their song Protect Me From What I Want. It's not a cover done by another person or anything. No no no. It's Molko singing it in French. I mean, I love the English version. And then my sister showed me the French version and now I'm in love with that even more.)
I don't like finishing books. It gives me a sense of loss, which might explain why I put off reading the end of And Another Thing... for a few days. And now I have actually finished the book and am sad.
I think I was better off knowing that the series had ended with them all being blown up (the ending of the previous last novel in the series), rather than them all surviving and going about their lives as normal. Well, as normal as they can.
It just saddened me that Arthur, who had lost his love, Fenny, while travelling through hyperspace two books ago, got to see her again at the very very end of this final book, but alas, it was when he was travelling through hyperspace. So he ended up losing her once again. (When people who live in Plural zones travel through hyperspace they can end up anywhere. ..Earth is in a Plural zone..).
So it was quite sad, I think. And while I enjoyed the book immensely, I liked it better knowing that they had all been blown up in the end. ...Is that bad?
You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. You can research the Hitchhikers Guide trilogy, if you're so inclined, to find out what I'm on about.
Michael Buble *fan girl scream* haha.
I find I have to finish books, I wanna know what happens. But then I hate it when they don't finish properly and you're like 'gah! what's gonna happen next' and there's no sequel =[
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