There's a Party in my Tummy!
Actually, there isn't. Except for about 3 Tic-Tac's and a couple of mints, I haven't eaten since lunch. But it's almost dinner.
For some reason I was extremely tired yesterday. And the only reason I can put it down to is that Lauren and I went to bed at 1am on Monday. But, the thing is, we didn't get up until near 9am, which means we got the better part of the 8 hours sleep anyway. So I don't know why I was tired. Odd.
McDonald's Bacon and Egg McMuffins are getting smaller every time I eat one. ..Which is about one a year.
Although, this year I've had two already. Won't be having one until next year I reckon! Yay!
And hopefully I won't be having Maccas for a while. ...I said I wouldn't have it again after having to stop off at Bathurst Maccas about a month ago. What an experience that was...
I downloaded a SNES SimCity ROM today so I could play it on my computer. My residents don't like that housing prices are too high. ..I can't figure out how to lower housing prices though. And the helping guy doesn't help. He tells me that I need to build the houses closer to community lots. And I do and my people hate me even more. Poo to them.
I am getting quite good at Super Mario World though.
I think in these holidays I might draw another picture. So I won't be so bored. Remember this one?

I remember that one being extremely fun to draw..
Oh, I also have to finish off Banjo Kazooie on my N64 these holidays too. Remember my mission? To collect every single item on it? I'm halfway through, so, hopefully the last few worlds won't be that tricky.
So, I just realised that these holidays will consist games and drawing. ...I need to get out of the house.
..Zoo anyone?
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