It's cold
It's cold.

I got up early today to head off to Uni 'cause I thought I had to come to class today when in actual fact I didn't. And I found that out as soon as I got there. So it was 10am, I had come to Uni for nothing, I was cold, and I wasn't going to have wasted my $4.40 train fare. So I went up to Town Hall for some shopping.
It wasn't really shopping though. All I did was go to JBHiFi to get YKB's EP. Which they still don't have. So I just bought a Yo Gabba Gabba DVD for my niece and Green Day's KYE single.
..Speaking of singles, I don't think anybody buys them anymore. The single section in JB is so small, you can hardly find it. I mean, I went to the JB in the TGV, and their single section is sort of easy to find, but it's about 50cm wide. But, the single section in the one on the Strand is hidden behind a pole. And consists of Miley Cyrus and some Hip Hop person I've never heard of.
I would have also bought some more Sims 2 expansion packs, but this JB had them for $15, and me, being the cheapo I am, wasn't paying $15 when I bought the previous two expansion packs for $10 each.
I charged the batteries in my camera last night (finally), so I decided to go out and take some photos in my backyard. It was a nice sunny day actually, despite how cold it was.

I like how blue the sky is...
And of course, here's one of my bedroom that I tidied up today. Sort of. ..You can see my desk now!

More photos are on FB if you're feeling in a more stalkerish mood.
I was just informed that my cats were sharing a heater. If you know my cats, then you know this is a big deal for them to be lying next to each other, so I had to snap a photo of it to show you. ...They usually hate each other.

They must be cold..
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