The Week
I love reading blogs. I love reading what people have to say and how they say it. But I think that makes me a tad stalkerish. But then I think that if you're publishing your thoughts on the internet, then you're basically inviting anybody to read those thoughts. So it evens out.
I managed to get myself a couple of tickets to Green Day's show here in December. Hurrah to that! And hurrah to presales and fast internet, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get them online yesterday and would have resorted to camping out in front of Ticketek in the cold on July 1st.
I never did get to see them back in 2005 when they were big with their AI tour, unfortunately Which is why I am so very excited and very happy to be going this time around.
Now to this week's achievements:
- Can now solve 2 thirds of a Rubik's Cube by myself with no internet help!
- Finished all levels and all worlds on Super Mario Bros (a NES game released in 1985).
- Cooked Lemon Chicken Kan-Tong with Gurpie (it turned out how it was supposed to, I think. Edible? Yes. Fabulous tasting? Not really..)
- Got myself Green Day tickets.
- Started reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman (awesome book. You should read it!)
- Had a nice catch up with Fishy and Sarah. We talked and talked and talked and ate mushrooms and schnitzel and tofu and drank hot chocolate with marshmallows. ..And got licked to death by Sarah's dog.
I've also realised that it is less than a month until I turn 20. I have an idea of what I want to do on my birthday now, but when my mother asked me what I want for my birthday it just brought to the front of my mind that, like every year, I have absolutely no idea what I want. ..I don't want anything.
..Well, that's not completely true. I want a SNES. And I want a NES. But I can live without them and am really not that fussed about having them or not at the moment.
I don't think I'm a very big wanter. I think I'm more of a I'm-happy-with-what-I-have-er.
Tod's gazing at me sleepily. He just woke up and is sitting on my bed in a half asleep daze. Cute muffin. He likes to mash his face into the bed when he sleeps. It's like head-desking but in cat form. It's so strange. I think he does it because his nose is cold.

Doesn't Super Mario Bros look epic?
Your blog had a makeover! Niceeeee, lol.
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