3 days.
Countdown. Three days!
Sorry I keep bothering everybody on MSN / Facebook and now here with my day by day countdown. But, y'know. It's a big event.
Uni starts next Monday. I really should look over my German text book and catch up. A month of speaking little German is going to catch up with me..I can sense it.
Been writing too much with my left hand. Writing right handed feels strange now.
Can't print nicely left handed yet though, only running write. ...But then, I can't print nicely right handed either. So I suppose it makes sense.
Had a weird alien abduction dream the two nights ago. Read an alien abduction story in Take5 last night (Yeah, I know, Take5. Trashiest of the Trash mags). Had a weird E.T movie scary flash back tonight while closing the back gate all alone in the dark. .......Never let me watch that movie again. Ever. Ever ever ever. It's been 5 years since I saw it last and evidently it hasn't worn off...
..I must be stressed.